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Vela APIs



You need to include an Authentication Token in request headers. See the Authentication page of this documentation for information on how to generate authentication token codes.

Endpoint URL:

Description: This API endpoint generates a presigned URL and associated credentials that allow for the secure upload of a call recording. This feature is designed for integration with Vela, enabling organizations to seamlessly upload call data for processing.


org_idRequiredIdentifier for the organization submitting the call.
metadataOptionalA JSON containing the information below.
  • email: Email address of the agent who participated in the call.
  • date_of_call: The date when the call took place.
Endpoint Behaviour

Before generating the presigned URL and upload credentials, the endpoint forwards the provided org_id, email, and date_of_call to Vela for logging and processing. Vela responds with minute_allocation and voice_id statuses. The API performs the following checks:

  • Minute Allocation Check: The API verifies if the organization (org_id) is within its minute_allocation. If the organization has exceeded its allocation, an error is thrown.

Response Format: The response returns a JSON object containing a presigned URL and the necessary fields for secure data upload to an AWS S3 bucket.

Sample Response:

"fields": {
"key": "<key>",
"policy": "<policy>",
"x-amz-algorithm": "<>",
"x-amz-credential": "<>",
"x-amz-date": "<>",
"x-amz-security-token": "<>",
"x-amz-signature": "<>"
"url": "upload_url"

Integrate this API into your application to request a presigned URL, which allows you to upload call recordings to the specified upload_url securely using the provided credentials and fields. Using the upload_url works the same as a normal upload.

Upload via Presigned URL

The generated presigned URL includes both a URL and additional fields that must be passed as part of the subsequent HTTP POST request. The following code demonstrates how to use the requests package with a presigned POST URL to perform a POST request for file upload.

Request Example

import requests

url = "{{uploadUrl}}"

payload = {'AWSAccessKeyId': '{{fields-AWSAccessKeyId}}',
'key': '{{fields-key}}',
'policy': '{{fields-policy}}',
'signature': '{{fields-signature}}',
'x-amz-security-token': '{{fields-x-amz-security-token}}'}
headers = {}

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)




You need to include an Authentication Token in request headers. See the Authentication page of this documentation for information on how to generate authentication token codes.

POST Request

Authorization: Bearer <ProvidedToken>

Below are the attributes and the formats of each attribute required in the body.

Body ParamsTypeRequirementDescription
org_idstringRequiredOrganisation ID provided to you by Botlhale AI
chatsArrayRequiredArray of message objects
metadataObjectOptionalChat metadata. See description below.

Metadata object:

  • agent (string): This is the email address of the agent in the chat. If omitted, will leave agent as unspecified.
  • date (string): Format (DD/MM/YYYY, HH:mm). Date and time that the chat occured. If omitted, the current date will be used.

Message object:

  • message (string): Text that was sent.
  • time (string): Format (DD/MM/YYYY, HH:mm).
  • sender (string): Agent, user, or bot.
  • language (string): Language code (optional).

Example of body

chats: [ 
{ "message": "Sawubona, ngithumele imali izolo kodwa ayikafiki. Ngingenzani?", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:15", "sender": "user", "language": "zu-ZA" },
{ "message": "Sawubona! Ngingu-bot lokwesekwa. Ngiyaxolisa ukuzwa ukuthi imali ayikafiki. Ake sibheke ndawonye.", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:15", "sender": "bot", "language": "zu-ZA" },
{ "message": "Ngicela unginike inombolo yesazisi noma ikhodi yesithenjwa yokuthumela imali.", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:16", "sender": "bot", "language": "zu-ZA" },
{ "message": "Nansi inombolo yesazisi: 1234567890.", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:17", "sender": "user", "language": "zu-ZA" }

Request Example

import json
import requests

url = ""

chats = [
{ "message": "Sawubona, ngithumele imali izolo kodwa ayikafiki. Ngingenzani?", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:15", "sender": "user", "language": "zu-ZA" },
{ "message": "Sawubona! Ngingu-bot lokwesekwa. Ngiyaxolisa ukuzwa ukuthi imali ayikafiki. Ake sibheke ndawonye.", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:15", "sender": "bot", "language": "zu-ZA" },
{ "message": "Ngicela unginike inombolo yesazisi noma ikhodi yesithenjwa yokuthumela imali.", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:16", "sender": "bot", "language": "zu-ZA" },
{ "message": "Nansi inombolo yesazisi: 1234567890.", "time": "06/08/2024, 09:17", "sender": "user", "language": "zu-ZA" }
data = {
'org_id': <<org_id>>,
'chats': json.dumps(chats)


headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}',

response =, data=data, headers=headers)

print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4))

Contact us


We are here to help! Please contact us with any questions.